Interface ActionLog

  • public interface ActionLog
    A log for all Actions.
    Tim Neumann
    • Method Detail

      • getAllActions

        List<Action> getAllActions()
        Get all actions which were logged.

        Warning: No order is guaranteed.

        A list of all actions logged
      • getActionsOfType

        <T extends ActionList<T> getActionsOfType​(Class<? extends T> type,
                                                    boolean includeSubclasses)
        Get all actions which were logged of the given type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The generic type to return the actions as
        type - The type of the actions to get
        includeSubclasses - Whether to include the subclasses of the given type
        A list of all matching actions
      • getAllActionsOfEntity

        List<EntityAction> getAllActionsOfEntity​(Entity entity)
        Get all actions which were logged and were caused by the given entity.
        entity - The entity to get actions for
        A list of all matching actions
      • getActionsOfTypeOfEntity

        <T extends EntityActionList<T> getActionsOfTypeOfEntity​(Entity entity,
                                                                  Class<? extends T> type,
                                                                  boolean includeSubclasses)
        Get all actions which were logged of the given type and were caused by the given entity.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The generic type to return the actions as
        entity - The entity to get actions for
        type - The type of the actions to get
        includeSubclasses - Whether to include the subclasses of the given type
        A list of all matching actions
      • logAction

        void logAction​(Action actionToLog)
        Log an action.
        actionToLog - The action to log
      • setConsoleOutput

        void setConsoleOutput​(boolean enable)
        Set ActionLog console output (default: true)
        enable - true: log to console, false: do not log to console
      • getConsoleOutput

        boolean getConsoleOutput()
        Get ActionLog console output status.

        If true true, all actions are printed to console when they are logged. If false the actions are logged but not printed to console.