Class SimulationBuilder

  • public class SimulationBuilder
    extends Object
    The factory for creating a simulation host.
    Tim Neumann
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimulationBuilder

        public SimulationBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • setTaskVerifier

        public void setTaskVerifier​(TaskVerifier taskVerifier)
        Set the task verifier to use with this simulation.

        This method can only be called before building the simulation. It is not possible to change it after the simulation has been built.

        taskVerifier - The task verifier to use
      • buildSimulation

        public void buildSimulation()
        Actually build the simulation.

        This can only be called once for each simulation builder.

      • hasBuiltSimulation

        public boolean hasBuiltSimulation()
        Get whether the window has been built.
        true if and only if the window has been built