Interface Simulation

  • public interface Simulation
    The interface for the main simulation of the ICGE.
    Tim Neumann
    • Method Detail

      • getPlayfield

        Playfield getPlayfield()
        Get the playfield for this simulation.
        The playfield used by this simulation
      • getTaskVerifier

        TaskVerifier getTaskVerifier()
        Get the task verifier set for this simulation.
        The task verifier set for this simulation
      • getSimulationClock

        SimulationClock getSimulationClock()
        Get the simulation clock for this simulation.
        the simulation clock used by this simulation
      • getEntityTypeRegistry

        EntityTypeRegistry getEntityTypeRegistry()
        Get the entity type registry associated with the simulation host.
        The entity type registry
      • getActionLog

        ActionLog getActionLog()
        Get the action log for this simulation.
        the action log used by this siumulation
      • getSimulationProxyForWindow

        SimulationProxy getSimulationProxyForWindow()
        Get the simulation proxy used by the game window to communicate with the simulation.
        The simulation proxy for the UI to use
      • attachToWindow

        void attachToWindow​(GameWindow window)
        Attach this simulation to the given window.
        window - The window to attach to
      • attachToWindow

        void attachToWindow​(GameWindow window,
                            boolean stopWithWindowClose)
        Attach this simulation to the given window.
        window - The window to attach to
        stopWithWindowClose - If true the simulation will stop when the attached window is closed
      • stop

        void stop()
        Irreversibly stop the simulation and all running background tasks and programs. Calling this method twice will not throw an exception.
      • runTask

        void runTask​(Task taskToRun)
        Run the given task in the background. Only one task can be run for a simulation so calling this twice will throw an exception.
        taskToRun - The task to run
      • runProgram

        <E extends Entity,​S extends E> void runProgram​(Program<E> program,
                                                             S entity)
        Run the given program for the given Entity in the background.
        Type Parameters:
        E - The subtype of Entity that the Program accepts
        S - The type of the Entity to run the program for. Must be a subtype of E
        program - The program to run
        entity - The Entity to run the program for