Class PhoneBooth

    • Constructor Detail

      • PhoneBooth

        public PhoneBooth()
    • Method Detail

      • setRequirementsAsFulfilled

        public void setRequirementsAsFulfilled()
        Set the status of the requirements for this phoneBooth to fulfilled.
      • setRequirementsNotFulfilled

        public void setRequirementsNotFulfilled()
        Set the status of the requirements for this phoneBooth to unfulfilled.
      • setRequirementsChecker

        public void setRequirementsChecker​(Supplier<Boolean> requirementsChecker)
        Set a checker function that returns true if and only if all requirements to access this phonebooth are met.
        requirementsChecker - the requirementsChecker to set
      • getRequirementsChecker

        public Supplier<Boolean> getRequirementsChecker()
        the requirementsChecker